Welcome to Daylight Savings time. In the old days, you had to manually adjust all time-keeping devices to the new time. As clocks became more ubiquitous (in new devices like VCRs and microwave ovens, and added to existing items like stoves and cars), this became more of a chore. Then, the devices started getting smarter, either with built-it knowledge of Daylight Savings, or by being connected to the internet (or using radio time-signal). So in recent years the chore has become less involved. The plot of How Many Devices Do You Have to Manually Reset When Daylight Savings Happens looks something like this:
The scale and the years may not be totally accurate, but you get the picture. I’m sure many people don’t have any devices to reset anymore (we have two).
Anyway, just something that struck me.
We had 8! 2 bedside alarm clocks, 4 wall/tabletop clocks, microwave, stove, and 1 car. Guess we are old school and/or like to see the time.