Moving on…

I'll continue my look at the IRS migration data; specifically, state-to-state migration. I've got data for the past 14 years, so let's get digging. Here are the largest state-to-state migration totals for that period: FromToMigration, 2008-2022Reverse MigrationCaliforniaTexas989,744564,287New YorkNew Jersey859,094496,497New YorkFlorida851,938414,838CaliforniaArizona635,432402,452FloridaGeorgia609,691564,034CaliforniaNevada604,838356,971TexasCalifornia564,287989,744GeorgiaFlorida564,034609,691FloridaTexas560,271477,570CaliforniaWashington553,507384,579 Over this 14 year period, nearly a million Californians moved to Texas (and a half … Continue reading Moving on…